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Hit and Run Accidents

In a 2012 report created by the Department of Transportation,  over 900 hit and run accidents in Alaska in 2009, many of which resulted in serious injuries.

"Hit and run" refers to leaving the scene of an accident.   When a driver is involved in an accident, whether the driver is at fault or not, he has a duty to stop and render aid to any injured parties and also to exchange information regarding his identity and insurance.    Failing to do so is a crime.  If someone is injured or killed in the accident, leaving the scene is a felony whether or not the driver caused the accident.  If caught, the driver faces jail time and revocation of his driving privileges.

But what about the victim?

If the victim has automobile insurance with uninsured motorists coverage, she will be able to make a claim under her policy for medical bills, lost wages, disabilities and pain and suffering.  If she has medical payments benefits under her automobile insurance policy, she will be able to draw upon those.

If the driver is found, she will be able to make a claim against his insurance.

If the driver is prosecuted, then she can request restitution for her insured costs.  The request should be made through the prosecutor’s office.

Additionally, benefits and services are available to the hit and run victim from the State of Alaska, Violent Crimes Compensation Board because hit and runs has been classified as  a violent crime.  Applications are available on-line at their website.

For more information, see

Contact Keenan Powell through the contact form or call: 258-7663.  Toll free: 888-368-5678.