When you are looking for an attorney to help you with your workers compensation case, there are a few things you need to know:
First, some attorneys require payment for review of your case. It is ethical for an attorney to charge up to $300 as an on-time-only charge if the attorney does not enter the case.
Second, it is illegal for an attorney to require a retainer (up front money) to secure payment of his fees. An attorney can, however, ask the client to front costs. Most attorneys do this on a case-by-case basis.
Third, when you are considering attorneys to hire, look at their track record. Have they been practicing Workers Compensation for a number of years? Have they always represented Employees or have they been an Employer’s attorney. If the attorney previously was an Employer’s attorney, you would be right to believe that s/he would have insight into that mind set. However, you have to ask yourself, why did this person change who s/he is working for? Was it a cataclysmic change in a belief system? Or are you in danger of hiring someone with an attitude that most Employees don’t deserve benefits.
Fourth, ask whether the attorney has had experience in a case similar to yours. Is the insurance company is claiming you didn’t notify them of the injury timely or is the insurance company claiming that your injury is not work-related? Is it a shoulder case, knee case, back or neck case, or hearing loss, carpal tunnel or some other degenerative injury? Is the attorney comfortable dealing with the issues that may be raised depending on your particular injury?
Keenan Powell has practiced Workers Compensation law in the State of Alaska for nearly 30 years and has dedicated her practice to Workers Compensation representing injured Alaskans for the past 9 years handling hundreds of cases. A sample of verdicts she has obtained for Employees is found at http://www.keenanpowell.com/settlements_wc.html.
There is absolutely no fee for a consultation, all consultations are free. If you want to set up a meeting, use the contact form on this website or call: 907 258 7663.